Cereal Grain
Spring Cereal Grain
Armor Spring Oats
Great grain oat with very good straw.
RGA Haymaker Oats
Tremendous forage oat variety that is sure to impress.
Spring Oats
Common variety.
Robust Spring Barley
Six-row malted barley that is medium tall and a proven performer.
Gunner Triticale
Forage type winter triticale chosen specifically for the Northeast.
Cosaque Black Oats
Proven winter oat that tillers like no other. Great option south of I-70.
Pronghorn Spring Triticale
Selected for yield and high-quality forage, excellent disease resistance.
Winter Cereal Grain
RGA 07ML21 Wheat
NEW! Later maturing wheat variety that moves south to north exceptionally well. Works great for high management producers.
RGA 03M19 Wheat
Medium maturity wheat variety that packs an impressive yield and excellent test weights.
RGA 08MS21 Wheat
New! Medium maturing awnless variety with excellent disease resistance and great stand-ability for high yield environments.
Gunner Triticale
Selected for yield and high quality forage, excellent disease resistance, and a great option for spring and summer seeding.
Cosaque Black Oats
Proven winter oat that tillers like no other. Great option south of I-70.
RGA Cereal Rye
Northern genetics proven to excel within our climate. Very high seed quality!
KWS FARO Winter Barley
NEW! European variety with tremendous yields and good straw strength (treated with Vibrance Extreme).